------- 1.0.2 released on Wednesday 15th of October 2003 14:17:40 ------- Some debugging output added. ------- 1.0.1 released on Sunday 10th of August 2003 12:18:29 ------- RSArrayUtil is now officially released under LGPL. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html for details. ------- 1.0.0 released on Tuesday 29th of July 2003 19:23:59 ------- We are proud to announce the first public stable release of RSArrayUtil! This is a bugfix release addressing some serious bugs. Additionally the user level documentation was updated including a lot of samples. The UnitTest was extended to test all methods exhaustively. RSArrayUtil can now be considered stable! ------- 0.1.0 released on Monday 30th of June 2003 23:43:18 ------- This is the first release of RSArrayUtil! Keep rockin!